‘Carite after the La Brea Oil Spill IN 2013.’ Hand-painted unisex *medium* V-neck. Organic cotton, sweatshop-free (*SOLD*)
This piece is inspired by a large oil spill that took place off the coast of La Brea in Trinidad in 2013. The black central part is the hand-printed linocut print of a carite fish that has been affected by the oil spill. A carite is normally a long, narrow fish but after ingesting oil and the dispersants that were used in the clean-up, its whole biology has changed – it is now square or rhomboidal in shape, its tail is falling off and it now eats everything – trees, birds, people and houses.
How we mess with the environment is something, I believe strongly, that we need to pay much more attention to. We are trampling on too much – we are losing too much.
This piece is offered as part of the #artistsupportpledge
The ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE is a generous culture and dynamic economy in support of artists and makers.
The concept is a simple one. Artists and makers post images of their work to sell for NO MORE than TT$1400 (US$200, £200, €200, ¥20000) each (not including shipping.) Anyone can then buy the work. Every time the artist or maker reaches TT$7000 (US$1000) of sales they pledge to buy another artist’s work for TT$1400 (US$200). This is open to artists and makers all over the world and is to encourage a more democratic, equal and open economy for all artists and makers.
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