Chris Anderson Copper & Brass Jewelry

There is a certain allure to handmade jewelry. Some say its the uniqueness and individually that its infused with, others say that the allure is due to the hands on expert craftsmanship and passion that goes in to creating it. Here are the top 5 benefits of choosing handmade jewelry for your jewelry collection from our perspective.

1. Designed and made by an Artisan

When you’re looking for jewelry that is both personal and meaningful, look no further. This type of jewelry is crafted by an expert jewelry designer and producer, often inspired by his or her environment or other elements in their life. This adds to the meaningfulness of the piece to both the owner/wearer and designer. Designed by the Trinidad and Tobago born and raised jewelry designer, Chris Anderson, this handmade Turtle Necklace, Earrings & Bracelet Jewelry Set was inspired by the Leather-back Turtles that visit the shores of Trinidad and Tobago every year to lay their offspring in the sand of select beaches across the island.

2. Environmentally Friendly

It is generally known that mass-market production of products has various harmful effects on our natural environment and resources. Handmade jewelry is not mass produced, and the methods used to produce it use significantly less energy and other resources; this is much better for our environment and what we pass on to the future generation. Humming Birds enjoy clean natural environments to reside and Chris Anderson Jewelry has many pieced inspired by these amazing birds. Here is one of our customer favorites: Humming Bird with Tail Necklace & Earrings Jewelry Set.

3. Significant Time Commitment to Make Each Piece Timeless

Each handmade jewelry piece requires significant time investment, however, the time invested produces jewelry that is considered by many to be timeless. It would last through all fashion cycles and is perfect to pass from generation to generation in your family. All of our precision crafted pieces required a lot of time to get the the high level of quality craftsmanship we achieve. Here’s one of our intricate handmade jewelry sets: Mariposa Butterfly Necklace & Earrings Jewelry Set.

4. High Quality Jewelry Materials

Since these pieces are made by jewelry artisans a higher quality of jewelry materials are used in the finished product than with mass produced jewelry. Its often the case with mass produced jewelry that the potential for dirty metal blends are high, as a result designs are modified to conceal this. At Chris Anderson Jewelry we use only the highest quality brass and copper material with each handmade jewelry piece. Our customers always return to buy a second or third piece after falling in love with the first piece that was ordered from us. Here’s one piece many customers come back for: Hibiscus Flower Heart Necklace, Earrings & Bracelet.

5. Prompt Customer-Friendly Service

Prompt customer-friendly service is a staple of handmade jewelry brands. At Chris Anderson Jewelry we provide the most exceptional customer service to our valued clients. We enjoy receiving testimonials from our customers about how fast their jewelry was shipped and how much they loved engaging with our professional representatives.

Regardless of the perspective on handmade jewelry its undisputed that the handmade jewelry from Chris Anderson Jewelry adds the perfect final touch to a lady’s outfit for day or evening event. We would love to hear your thoughts on our tropical flower jewelry collection.

Send us a message via our websiteFacebook or Instagram or right here at Shop Caribe! Feel free to leave a comment below as well. You can even ask us about our custom jewelry gift manufacturing service. You can also call us at +1 (868) 633 8676, +1 (868) 684 7639. Thanks for visiting us on the web.

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