Minshall by Norton – Limited Edition Book


Minshall by Norton is a limited-edition, individually numbered photographic book which captures over 190 iconic images with descriptions of mas man Peter Minshall’s carnival designs, photographed by Noel Norton from 1967 to 2006.  

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Noel Norton was one of Trinidad and Tobago ‘’longtime dean of photographers.’’ A recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts (Photography), from UTT in 2005 and the Chaconia Gold Medal for long and meritorious service to Trinidad and Tobago in 1992, Norton captured over a half century of Carnival and enjoyed especially the presentations by Peter Minshall.  Nicholas Laughlin writes:  ‘’There- in the heat and dust and noise, the unpredictable light, the general chaos, with the very earth vibrating underfoot – Norton, silent behind his camera, as if ‘’saying prayers,’’ in Minshall’s words, stared into the colour and motion and unstoppable energy, saw the beauty of the mas and the mas man’s genius.  And again and again, clicking the shutter, he did the almost impossible: he made the mas stand still.’’

The Minshall by Norton Book is a limited-edition, individually numbered photographic book which presents over 190 iconic images of mas man Peter Minshall’s carnival designs, photographed by Noel Norton  from 1967 to 2006.  

The Book project was managed by Christine Norton, Director, The Noel Norton Collection Limited with the support of a team of artists including co-editor Ashraph Ramsaran, The Frameshop, Richard Rawlins, Art Director and Artist, and Nicholas Laughlin (editor Caribbean Review of Books and Caribbean Beat and director of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest) who researched and prepared all text. The text describes the design title, the Band, the year and the concept.  The Book was launched in December 2019 with the full endorsement and participation of Mr. Peter Minshall.  It is beautifully bound in black hard cover with slipcase and is an excellent reference on the Carnival  mas designer.  Ideal as a personal or corporate gift and collector’s item for those who appreciate art and creativity.

Additional information

Weight5.2 lbs
Dimensions1.25 × 11.5 × 13.5 in

Black, White


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